As the head of the family, (whether you are a
couple; a single parent or still single but with plans of having your own family
soon) your main concern is your ‘family’ including yourself. You work hard day and night to provide for the
basic needs of your household like the following:
ü Food
ü Clothing
ü Shelter
ü Education
ü Gadgets
ü Leisure
From the above list, most people prefer to invest on shelter. Some reason out why: “Because this is the
place where we will build our dreams and spend quality time with our family
until we age.” Actually, we don’t call
it shelter or house; we call it “Home”.
It takes years of hard work just to build a dream house. If someone is given the choice, instead of
renting an apartment or acquiring a condo, he will choose to build his very own
house that he can proudly say “it’s mine” (in the whole essence of the
word). Sacrifices are made in order to
save large amount of money for the realization of the project. Plans on every
design, from the roof to the floor; and even to the slightest details in and
out of the house are considered carefully. But the need for protection is
overlooked. How? Some are not cautious in protecting their hard-earned
sanctuary! But, one may ask, is there a real need to secure and protect the
house from dangerous household little pests’ such as:
Ø Termites
Ø Palmetto
Bugs (different kinds of cockroaches)
Ø Mice or Rats
Ø Ants
All of these pests are very harmful. Cockroaches, mice, rats and ants cause
health-threatening diseases. But Termites is on top of the list! In fact, $5 billion per year have been spent
to the damages caused according to some records in America. The hard-earned money used to build the family’s
sanctuary will be in vain, if the homeowner do nothing to prevent it from being
a ‘delicious target’ of pests.
During the planning stage of the
house-building, considering how to protect and fortify it is also of utmost
importance. Inquiring about residential pest control services
could be of great help. These pest
control companies can make a survey of your lot to find out if it is at high risk
of termite attacks and other pests as well.
They can help in fortifying and securing your perimeter from the ground
up to the ceiling. This is the best
pattern of securing your home from future attackers. Termites as smart travelers
can travel up to 350 feet away from the
colony just to look for food and can comprehensively cover an area up to a half
acre in size. Thus, unconsciously risking
the foundation and security of one’s hard-earned dream house is so unimaginable!
Why not outsmart them? Seek information on the various treatments that can
control future attacks of these harmful, destructive pests by planning ahead.
By all means, cautiously protect your family and your
hard-earned sanctuary!